
New server old photos

I have managed to move my entire blog to another hosting location.  I have chosen InMotion Hosting for several reasons, and so far I'm pretty happy the performance of the server, and particularly their technical support.  I was able to talk to a tech at 3:00am in the morning to resolve some issues with the wordpress database.  He was able to help me fix the issue.  I say that's pretty damn good.  Thank you to all my twitter friends that flooded me with choices for web hosting solutions!  You guys are great! Unfortunately because of the move I did not have a lot of time to shoot anything new, so here are some shots I pulled from the archives.  I have a pretty funky shoot on Friday Apr. 23 which will include 3 models, lights, fog machine and the woods.  Ha!  I'm excited!  Enjoy!

Stone cold eyes

