New York Part 2: Central Park

I figured that Central Park should get it's own post.  As we both love landscape photography, it was an easy choice.  It's a beautiful place, and hard to imagine it's location, among the skyscrapers of Manhattan. Coming from western Canada, where fall has long past, and the world turned to gray and brown, it was such a relief to still see magnificent colors present.  It brought immediate memories of childhood days.  I believe this has made Central Park, even more special. 

Photographically, it's a paradise.  One could spend days there, photographing nature, wildlife, and people.  If you are carrying a camera in Central Park, be prepared to be asked to take photos of strangers.  The bigger the camera the more you will be asked.  Carrying a little Fuji with me, I guess I wasn't considered a serious enough photographer, but a friend that was with us, and his big DSLR camera, was asked constantly.  So here is an advice, if you want to be left in peace, don't bring a DSLR camera to Central Park. 

While taking pictures, we tried not to duplicate ourselves, and it wasn't easy to do.  Here is what we came up with from the brief, albeit memorable visit. 

Remember to click on the images to see them in full glory :) Enjoy.