Fuji in Europe Part 13 - All kinds of photography in Regensburg


This is one of the older cities that we visited during our European tour :)  So parts date all the way to 90AD, when Romans built their fort in the area.  Of course there are "few" churches, and a beautiful cathedral.  The stone bridge was built almost 900 years ago, but unfortunately it was under renovations, and we couldn't appreciate the full beauty of it.  None the less what we could see was spectacular.


This time all Fuji cameras got a nice workout.  X-Pro1 was mainly used with the Rokinon 8mm fish-eye lens.  Fuji X100S, was mainly used for street photography, and the new Fuji XT1 was used with 55-200mm.  It was a lot of fun shooting all cameras.  I thought about carrying 3 DSLR, with 3 lenses, and I was very happy that Fuji created those cameras.  It's a lot more enjoyable shooting small and light cameras.  Specially when you want to take advantage of as much sights as possible.  Best time ever.