
Chasing Bison with an old Russian

Chasing Bison with an old Russian

It's funny, how I almost cured myself of digital GAS, and how quickly I fell for the analogue GAS.  It's really easy to forget about actual photography, when scouring eBay for old cameras.  The amount of old film cameras is just staggering.  The prices are decent for the most part, although so old cameras fall into the "collectible" or "famous" category, which drives their prices through the roof.  I try to keep to the cheap side.

Looking for spring with Kodak Ektar

Looking for spring with Kodak Ektar

y decision to shoot everything with old film cameras this year, still makes my wife shake her head.  I've been asked by friends, why do I want to create images strictly on film.  The interesting thing is, I don't know.  Is it because I'm tired of perfect images coming out of digital cameras? Or maybe it's the need to slow down, learn patience and enjoy the whole manual process of creating an image.