Happy New Year! (From Frozen Solid Alberta)

I, simply, cannot believe, how fast this year has passed.  It seems like just a moment ago I have had a hard task of selecting photos I liked the most from last year and now, I have to do it all over again.  However, I will not be showing you my selection in this post, due to some minor technical difficulties. Instead I will share my latest images.

I'm not sure, if I've mentioned before how wonderfully warm beginning of this winter was here on the prairies. It was quite amazingly warm and, though, it was not the best thing from photographic point of view, I was quite happily enjoying the long walks with our dog and the fact that I didn't have to put 10 layers of clothing on myself every time I was heading outside. Now, however, the time of reckoning has come and it is no longer as pleasant as it was. I venture to say, we haven't suffer such cold weather for a decade now. Our temperatures dropped to below -30oC with windchills, in places, reaching -50oC... It feels colder because this cooling of happened very suddenly so we had no time to adjust just yet. I am sure, not very many people are crazy enough to go out and shoot anything in this weather. We, however, are..  We have decided, it would be fun to try and photograph freezing soap bubbles, among other things (such as Mac disappearing boiling water - little magic always helps in this cold ;D).. Good thing was, we were close to home (mostly, in our back yard) so we were able to run into the house quickly to warm up, when it's gotten too cold and, believe me, we did that quite a few times during shooting.  But, I've managed to get several pictures which I will be happy to share with you tonight. And, since this is going to be my last post of this year, I wish you all a wonderful New Year! May it be peaceful and happy for all of us!
