May in Elk Island

Time flies! It’s already fall and I can’t help but feel that this year is flying by way too quickly. I was looking for some inspiration today. It’s a cold, gloomy day today and I’m in need of some cheering up. I happened upon some of the pictures I took in May at Elk Island National Park, when spring has just started and we had plenty of time of good weather and sunshine to look forward to. It’s good to have memories like that to look at, when it’s not the best time to wander about outside, thus I’ve decided to share them with you, in hope of brightening your day as well. For those of us, here in Alberta experiencing their first winter storm of the season (I can barely believe myself that today some parts of the province are expecting to get 20cm of snow!). I guess, I shouldn’t be complaining about our weather in Edmonton, since, it is not snowing yet and we enjoy balmy plus 1oC .. Oh joy!! So, here it is, a bit of spring sunshine and nature (we even saw the elusive elk at Elk Island that day, among other animals, and they can be quite shy on occasion). Enjoy!!
