All Things Fall..

Thanksgiving has always been a celebration of fall for me. It's been our yearly tradition for the past decade or so to go out with my boys and gather all the colorful leaves, when they are available, dry them up and use them to decorate our Thanksgiving table. Most of the time, we had to do it quite early in the seasonto have a collection of pretty leaves, but this year, Mother Nature was kind to us and let the colors last. It gave me an opportunity to go out and take some pictures as well, of course.  Doing that is a tradition of a sort for me as well, since my serious photographic adventures has started with me capturing all those gorgeous yellows and reds to last me the whole winter ;D Today, I will share some of the shots I have been taking last and this fall. Hope they will inspire your Thanksgiving table decorating as it always inspires mine.  Have a wonderful holiday everybody!!
