A Year With Fuji - My Favorites Of 2016

I set myself a task of choosing my favorite photos of the past year. I've never done it before so, optimistically, I was hoping to pick only a few, but the deeper I went into my files the more and more I added to the collection. I, honestly, don't know how to visit a location and take one, maybe two pictures and leave.  There are way too many compositions to chose from and each and every one has something unique to offer. Especially places, I know, I will not visit again (or the probability of it is rather low), I tend to photograph a lot, because these are my memories as well as pieces of photographic art (very modest of me, I know ;D).

Over the past year I was lucky to not only photograph Canada, but also Scotland and Poland. I was happy to visit new and old places, learn a few things, play with new gadgets, meet some new wonderful people and enjoy the beauty of our world. Out of several thousand of pictures I brought back with me from all that travel this year (it has been way over ten thousand kilometers, after all) I have managed to chose 49 to share today and, believe me, this was a very hard thing for me to do.  I even asked Mac to help me limit the selection and, being slightly bias that he is, he wasn't very helpful in the process of elimination.. Some of the pictures you may have seen before, some I haven't yet had a chance to post.  I hope you will enjoy this photographic journey with me and forgive me for not being able to make it shorter ;D

I am looking forward to this year to see where the journey takes me. I am not planning any exotic trips this year myself, but one never knows where one ends up to be. I wish you all a very happy New Year and hope you will all stay with us to witness our adventures.
