
Smokin' - Conceptual Portrait Photography with Fuji XT1

Smokin' - Conceptual Portrait Photography with Fuji XT1

When I started with my photography, years and years ago, I was never keen on photographing people.  I was once told that my images, although very nice, looked like post cards.  They never featured my friends or family, only the nature and landscapes surrounding us. I wasn't deterred by it, and kept making images the way I liked. 

Lady and a Fedora

In the past few weeks, I've been involved in another, as I like to call them, Randy-thon.  Randy Pond hosts these little gatherings in his studio in Vegreville.  Those are a lot of fun, with a couple of models, trying out different poses, clothes etc, loud music, and lots of laughs.  As photographers, we usually try new things with lights, angles, and share tips. This time the theme of the Randy-thon, was "Sexy".  So for the next little while I'll be posting images from that gathering, hope you don't mind :)  I was playing with my 90mm tilt-shift, and my Fuji X100.  I was really surprised on how good the Fuji X100 worked with Pocket Wizards and different lights.  So lets start with a Lady and a Fedora. Enjoy!
