A Winter Visit to the Rockies

A while back we took a day trip to the mountains.  We like to do this from time to time, even if it means that we end up spending most of a day driving.  We get up early, pack sandwiches and snacks, winter gear and cameras and take our family out to the Rockies. There is just something that draws us there over and over again... If we are lucky, we can catch a nice sunrise on the way, which is what happened during this particular outing.  It's hard to predict the weather on the arrival. Sometimes we have sunny skies, sometimes low clouds obscure the views, creating a darker mood.  Mountains are unpredictable and one has to plan for all sorts of eventualities and take advantage of all opportunities. And, no matter the conditions, I always end up with a few pictures to take home and share with you guys. It was no different this time. So, without further ado, here are my memories from one winter day trip to Jasper National Park. Enjoy!
