Abraham Lake with Fuji and Film

After a few times of waking up at 3 am, to be able to arrive at the famous Abraham Lake for sunrise, we got smart.  We decided to find a hotel as close to the lake as possible and stay overnight.  That's what we did.  The plus of this was that we were able to go to Abraham lake at night.  Now that was an experience of it's own.  The sky was clear, no moon at all, and the amount of stars visible, was just staggering.  Time for tripods, wide angle lenses and flash lights... oh right we forgot those.  I have never been in a situation where the darkness was so complete.  Taking a step or two away from the tripod, created a danger of walking right back into it, and toppling it over.  Adding to the darkness were ominous sounds coming from the lake.  Creaks, groans, gurgles where enough to get the imagination going wild.  We did not stay very long.  Managing 2 - 3 images each.

The next morning we joined the droves of photographers at the lake.  This lake, because of unique methane bubble frozen in ice, is almost a pilgrimage for any landscape photographer.  This is the reason why I wanted a little different look.  Create at least a few photographs that were a little different.  Still you cannot escape the beauty of frozen bubbles in clear ice, and a spectacular sunrise over the mountains.   Choosing the images for this blog wasn't easy either. They might look similar, but everyone is different.  I know it flies in the face of convention, where seasoned landscape photographer, advice on posting 1 or 2 of the best.  Problem is, both Kasia and me, really love all of them. We both have different way of shooting, and different editing style.  This reflects in the images.
