
Flying Sunrise

One thing I love about small airplanes, is that they usually fly much lower, than commercial airlines.  Also they usually have much bigger windows to take pictures through.  Morning flights are usually most spectacular.  You can watch an amazing sunrise, and the way the shadows move along the earth.  If you ever have a chance to fly in a small airplane, either early in the morning, or before the sunset, I highly recommend it.  It's good to take a moment and just look and admire the beauty of this place that we call home.  I tried capturing the this beauty.  Enjoy. Smoke


Let there be light


Above the clouds

Goodnight to California... and goodbye

I thought what better way to finish the series of posts from California and Disneyland, then with a lovely sunset at Santa Monica beach.  As typical to any sunset at the beach, lots of people came out. There were even some guys that had tripods, huge backpacks and set themselves up right by the ocean.  Personally if I had that gear with me I would probably find some secluded part of the beach so people do not walk in front of the camera, but that's just me.  So goodbye California, hope to see you someday.... Santa Monica Pier

Prints in the sand

Under the pier


Santa Monica

What would a vacation in California be, without seeing the ocean, and sampling of at least one beach?  I thought exactly the same thing.... so off we went to Santa Monica.  Yes there are closer beaches to Anaheim, but Santa Monica it was for a few reasons.  The main reason, was that we were meeting up with an awesome photographer there, namely Christa Meola.  I'll get to that meeting in a later post.... but let's just say, this has made my day.  It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny, albeit a little too windy at times.  The ocean was surprisingly warm.  At least warm  enough to get your legs wet.  The kids had a blast.  At one point my youngest, Sebastian, got pulled in a little by a retreating wave, and fell into the water..... of course I was snapping pictures :) ... Enjoy. Santa Monica Beach

California Coast

Oh oh!
