
Goodnight to California... and goodbye

I thought what better way to finish the series of posts from California and Disneyland, then with a lovely sunset at Santa Monica beach.  As typical to any sunset at the beach, lots of people came out. There were even some guys that had tripods, huge backpacks and set themselves up right by the ocean.  Personally if I had that gear with me I would probably find some secluded part of the beach so people do not walk in front of the camera, but that's just me.  So goodbye California, hope to see you someday.... Santa Monica Pier

Prints in the sand

Under the pier



I can consider myself lucky.  I have met one of my favourite photographers, whom I've blog stalking for a while now.  It's none other than Christa Meola. In my opinion she has an amazing way of capturing life as it passes.  It was an awesome meeting, although I was very nervous, almost like a student trying to pass an exam in front of a teacher.  Tons of things I wanted to ask, just completely evaporated out of my head.  It was quite interesting watching her work.  She used us as test subjects, and I was floored by the simplicity of it all.  One camera, one lens, no extra lights... everything very minimalistic, and very, very inspiring.  So a very big thank you, Christa for spending the time with us.  It was inpirational, educational, and wonderful to meet you! ..... I did manage to snap a few shots of Christa working her magic.... and here they are.... enjoy!






Being a fly on the wall in California

  Enjoying the show I love observing people.  Specially when they do not know they are being observed.  Yes, it's a little voyeuristic of me, but people are fun in their natural environment.  No posing, no artificial smiles, just pure humanity at it's best.  Most of these shots were done during our outing in Santa Monica, and some at Disneyland.  It was fun shooting those.  I find that having a long zoom for these works best.  One can be pretty far away, to be noticed.  Enjoy.


This guy was all over the park by the Santa Monica beach.  He was just moving from place to place, and dancing away his little routine.  Quite interesting display.

Sing that song...


Enjoying the sunshine



Checking for traffic

Santa Monica

What would a vacation in California be, without seeing the ocean, and sampling of at least one beach?  I thought exactly the same thing.... so off we went to Santa Monica.  Yes there are closer beaches to Anaheim, but Santa Monica it was for a few reasons.  The main reason, was that we were meeting up with an awesome photographer there, namely Christa Meola.  I'll get to that meeting in a later post.... but let's just say, this has made my day.  It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny, albeit a little too windy at times.  The ocean was surprisingly warm.  At least warm  enough to get your legs wet.  The kids had a blast.  At one point my youngest, Sebastian, got pulled in a little by a retreating wave, and fell into the water..... of course I was snapping pictures :) ... Enjoy. Santa Monica Beach

California Coast

Oh oh!
