
Alberta Canola Sunset

Alberta Canola Sunset

This year wasn't very good for sunsets.  Huge forest fires in the NWT were at fault, bringing smoke and haze.  So far there were only a couple good days, and most of the time the beautiful fluffy clouds would burn away by sunset, leaving empty blue skies.  This is was one of those days.  The canola fields in Alberta, creating wonderful contrasts with the big blue skies, it's always a great sight.....

Alberta Canola Sunrise at Villeneuve Airport - Landscape photography

Alberta Canola Sunrise at Villeneuve Airport - Landscape photography

Early morning. Hordes of mosquitoes, tall wet grass, and me, frolicking with my Fuji X-Pro1 camera and a Fuji 10-24mm lens, trying to get a good angle on a beautiful Alberta sunrise.  I stopped on the highway near the back of Villeneuve airport, trying the catch the Boing 737 parked there in the middle of a canola field. I really like the juxtaposition of a big passenger jet just sitting there in a farmer's field.

Not Another Canola Shot! - Landscape Photography And More..

I don't know about you guys, but we have seen so many photographs with canola fields over the years that we have been reluctant to shoot them ourselves. One evening, however, when we were traveling Alberta back roads we have encountered one such field, with beautiful clouds painted by setting sun that we could not resist stopping and taking pictures... I could not resist a few close ups, as well... So we have done our part to add to canola landscape photography... Shame on us! But, just look at the pictures.  Wasn't it a beautiful evening?! Kasia

Missing canola fields.. 3Canola sunset.. 2Big Alberta sky.. 4Canola sunset.. 3Big Alberta sky.. 2Canola sunset.. 1One prairie evening 5Missing canola fields.. 1Big Alberta sky.. 1

Harvest Time on the Prairies

It's been a glorious evening a couple of days ago and we have decided to take a drive out in the country to see what's happening out there.. Here is a few images from our drive.

We were lucky to encounter lovely views and we even got the see a bit of a rainbow ;D

The great evening has ended by a gorgeous sunset that highlighted the wonderful clouds that were just asking to be photographed .  It was a perfect end to a great day!
