Early Spring Last Year

Early Spring Last Year

Sunsets are not that easy to photograph in early spring. During the week there is simply not enough time to get sufficiently far away from the city to catch it, during weekends - the weather does not often cooperate.  Last year we took several trips to try and get nice shots and even managed to visit Spaca Moskalyk

Looking for spring with Kodak Ektar

Looking for spring with Kodak Ektar

y decision to shoot everything with old film cameras this year, still makes my wife shake her head.  I've been asked by friends, why do I want to create images strictly on film.  The interesting thing is, I don't know.  Is it because I'm tired of perfect images coming out of digital cameras? Or maybe it's the need to slow down, learn patience and enjoy the whole manual process of creating an image.

From Rare Summer Outings

From Rare Summer Outings

Last summer wasn't as full of outings as I would have liked. Time, seems to be more and more a rare commodity and trying to fit a trip outside the city can be rather difficult.  I treasure every one of those outings.  Even, if I don't bring a lot of pictures back, it is a pleasure to just wander, letting the road take us, wherever it goes. 

From Abraham Lake to Banff - a Short Winter Ride Through the Rockies

From Abraham Lake to Banff - a Short Winter Ride Through the Rockies

You never know what weather you encounter when you go to the mountains. Winter, especially, is the time when you need some caution, while planning any trip and sometimes you need to adjust your plans accordingly.  Originally we have planned to come back from Abraham Lake through Jasper, but because of road conditions we have decided to take the road to Banff instead

Longing for color - Alberta Landscape Photography

Longing for color - Alberta Landscape Photography

Some say that Elk Island National Park is one of the most boring parks in Canada and, to some extend, they have a point. We don't have dramatic mountains or oceans, we don't have desert, cool rock formations, hot springs or geysers. What we do have, however, is peace, quiet beauty, a bit of wildlife and a lake that can reflect sunset colors and often does an awesome job of it.

Alberta Country on Celuloid

Alberta Country on Celuloid

Starting my year project of shooting only film is slowly taking shape.  I'm starting to collect different film stock, to see how each behaves, and finally settle on one that I like the most.  So far I used Fuji Superia 400, Agfa Vista 400 and little bit of Kodak Potra, Ektar, and Gold.

Brilliant Morning in the Rockies

Brilliant Morning in the Rockies

Our latest trip to the Rockies was very successful.  Not only did we get good conditions for Abraham Lake ( Abraham Lake with Fuji and Film ) but the rest of the day was full of wonderful views.  When sun rose high enough to illuminate the world we have been given a chance to experience magic. And if you see magic, you better make sure you take pictures of it, right?! Well, we did...

Are Winter Sunrises Easy?

Are Winter Sunrises Easy?

It is so much easier to wake up for a sunrise trip out of the city this time of year. The only problem is, there is not always a good weather for photography. In Alberta, we are blessed quite often with cloudless sky and very cold weather, which, as any of you, who practice landscape photography know, does not make good conditions for interesting shots. There is also the issue of road conditions, which can be problematic at the least and the cold itself. 

Birthday Adventure On Winter Prairies

Birthday Adventure On Winter Prairies

I have totally forgotten about this collection of pictures, shot during our little excursion outside the city last year on my birthday. It was a cold and frosty day with a beautiful blue sky. Such days make me think that I don't hate cold as much ;D Winter doesn't often give us opportunities for bright and cheerful photography, that is why I enjoy this so much. Sunny skies, frost and fresh snow on the ground make for quite lovely views, much appreciated, I think, during long and cold winters.

Summer on the Prairies - Part 2

Summer on the Prairies - Part 2

Photographing flat prairies presents a challenge. It's easy to take a good photo of mountains, since all you need is good light and the pictures take themselves. Rockies are just too beautiful and full of interesting views. Prairies, though, require a bit more of an effort, since one has to find something to catch one's eye, to create an interesting composition.

Summer on the Prairies - Part 1

Summer on the Prairies - Part 1

This time of year I seem to be missing summer with all its colors and warmth.  I miss the easy travel around the countryside, long days that allow for frequent trips outside the city, even in the middle of the week. And it does not matter if we bring only one picture from such a trip. The fact is, we are out in the world, under the big Alberta sky, not closed in the city.